BSA Eagle Projects & GSA Gold Awards
If you are attempting your Eagle Scout, Gold Award or other similar effort and you need a project we may have the one just for you! Camp Ho Mita Koda is looking to accomplish a number of projects that need organization, maybe a little fundraising, and plenty of helping hands to get them done. We have a variety of unique projects that you may want to consider or come in with your own idea. Projects are ongoing and we work very closely with you to help develop a budget, create a timeline, provide support, and so much more!
For more information on project availability or to work with Camp Ho Mita Koda on a project, please contact Mitch Myers, Facilities Manager, at

Potential Projects Include…
- Fence Construction
- Trail Development & Bridge Construction
- Archery Range Shelter Construction
- Low Ropes Element Building
- Build an In-Ground 9 Square in the Air
- Cabin Rehab (painting, buffing, staining, replacement of steps, etc)
- Create Bird Watching ‘Blind’
- Construct Rocking Chairs
- Construct a 3-D Archery Range
- Purchase and Repair TREX Picnic Tables
- Build Natural Furniture
- Build Hammock Havens
- Replace Benches Around The Main Firecircle
- Hammock Village Construction
- Permanent Directional Signage
- Canoe Handwashing Station

Scout projects may be started/completed at any time throughout the year. However, there is limited onsite availability during our summer season from June – September.
For more information on completing a Scout project at Camp Ho Mita Koda, please reach out to Mitch Myers at