Pre-Camp Guide
Welcome, My Friend!
It is with great pleasure that we welcome your child and family to Camp Ho Mita Koda for the upcoming season. Our home away from home and inclusive community revolves around making friendships, taking healthy steps toward proper diabetes management, and establishing a sense of place for each and every camper as they embark on their own personal T1D journey.
With a strong focus on each camper, we believe that carefully tailoring the summer experience to the individual camper creates, on a larger scale, a successful and enjoyable summer for all campers. In advance of camp, we offer various ways of connection so that we get to know our campers’ background and interests. Using this information, we work with each camper to create and experience that incorporates his or her individual interests while still challenging him or her to try new things and build new skill sets.
We are thrilled to have you join us at camp and look forward to creating memories that will last a lifetime!
In Camping Spirit,
Camp Ho Mita Koda
Where is Camp?
Camp Ho Mita Koda Camp Ho Mita Koda- Michigan
14040 Auburn Road 880 East Sutton Road
Newbury, OH 44065 Metamora, MI 48455
How Can I Contact Camp?
Please call our Camp Office at 440-739-4095 or reach us by email at
What Time is Camp?
A one-week session of Overnight Camp runs from Sunday – Saturday. More information on specific times for drop off and pickup will be emailed to parents prior to their session and found below. In general you can plan on drop off occurring between 1:00pm-4:00pm, scheduled by last name, with pickup beginning at 9am on the final day.
How Can I Make Changes to My Camper’s Session?
Login to your online account to update emergency contacts, add a friend request or update medical information. Please email or call 440-739-4095 to cancel/transfer sessions. Our camp team will confirm your request quickly.
Where Can I See Photos of Camp?
We upload photos nightly, beginning on Monday evening, during your child’s camp week. You will receive an email update with the instructions on how to access camp photos on Monday evening.
To access the website, please click HERE.

Quick Facts
Camp Preparation Checklist
Camp Ho Mita Koda – The Way Camp Should Be
– Review Packing List
– Complete Required Forms for your Camper. All of the forms need to completed before your child starts camp and are available on your online account. Once you have logged in to your account the forms are listed under Forms and Documents. All required forms need to be completed even if your child is a returning camper. We need the most recent information to help provide the best camp experience for your child.
– Label all of your child’s belongings. Labeling your child’s belongings is the best way to prevent items from being lost.
– Pack!
– Remind your child about Camper Conduct expectations. We know you will support them as they get excited about their summer camp experience.
– Check your parent account to insure that all outstanding balances are paid off prior to arrival.
– Keep an eye out for an information email highlighting drop off times and other important information.
– Be sure to save camps phone number in your phone (440-739-4095) as you will receive a personal phone call from our main office to welcome you to camp and help answer any last minute questions that you may have.
Refunds & Cancellations
At Camp Ho Mita Koda we are confident we have the best T1D camps and programs around. That said, we also know that not every organization is the perfect fit for every family. Your satisfaction is our #1 priority, and we back up the quality of our program unconditionally.
Refund Policy If You Cancel: |
Cancel On Or Before May 15:
Cancel After May 15:
Cancel After June 10:
We will be as flexible and forgiving as possible with cancellations and refunds summer camp programs. Cancel after May 15th, and before June 10th, and you will have the following options:
- Move to another session/program in this same calendar year, if there is space.
- Move the funds, in the form of a credit, to a camp experience for the same year. If the credit is not used in the same year, it will not be returned.
- Donate all or part of the funds to help the camp operate.
- Request a refund less the $250 cancellation fee. If a cancellation occurs after the summer season has begun, a refund is not available.
A refund via check will take about two weeks to arrive. Credit card refunds take up to five business days to be credited to the account.
A session change may be requested until May 15th at no charge, but is subject to availability. A request after June 1st is subject to a $50 transfer fee and only accommodated if space is available in an eligible program.
Participants who do not attend their registered session (for any reason, including illness or vacation) or who do not contact CHMK to cancel by the refund/credit dates listed, will not receive a refund or credit.
Forms & Account
Where can I upload forms and update camper information?
You can update your camper’s basic information, make payments, and complete required forms in your online account here. For assistance, please call our main office at 440-739-4095.
How can I make changes to my camper’s session?
Please email or call us at 440-739-4095 to cancel or transfer sessions.
When are forms due?
All required forms must be submitted four weeks before your child starts camp. All required forms must be completed even if your child is a returning camper. We need the most current information to help provide the best camp experience for your child. If forms are not fully completed or submitted, there is a chance that your child may not attend camp.
Drop Off & Pick Up
In order to provide each family with a personalized check-in experience with our onsite doctors, CHMK has designated check-in times for each activity group and request that you drop-off at your designated time to ensure a smooth check-in process. Your designated drop-off time slot will be emailed to you two-weeks prior to your scheduled session. After the check-in process, parents/guardians will have the option of taking a self-guided tour of our facilities or depart. Please plan an hour for registration from arrival to departure.
Here is a breakdown of drop off times, by last name, for your campers scheduled session:
Traditional Camp Schedule
A-H I-P Q-Z1:00-1:45 p.m. 2:00-2:45 p.m. 3:00-3:45 p.m. Please note that the front gate will not open until 1:00 pm sharp, so plan your arrival appropriately as there is no onsite space to park prior to the gate opening.
Mini Camp Schedule
A-M N-Z8:30-9:15 a.m. 9:15-10:00 a.m. Please note that the front gate will not open until 8:30 am sharp, so plan your arrival appropriately as there is no onsite space to park prior to the gate opening.
After an incredible week of camp, kiddos head home on Saturday morning. More information on arrival times for your specific group will be emailed out to parents ahead of pickup. Get ready for the tears of campers who just cant leave camp behind!
Pickup will begin at 9:00am on Saturday, followed by our Parent’s Day program. You can plan on spending about an hour at camp where families have the opportunity to shoot archery, go canoeing, hike around camp, and so much more! The total pickup process runs from approximately 9am-11am on the last day of the session. Our Mini-Camp Parent Day will run from 4:00-6:00pm on the Friday the session ends.
Visiting Camp
We do not allow visitation while your child is enrolled as we have found it can be a difficult experience for a child away from home. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter as it will be a great help to your child and many others in their adjustment to camp life. If parents/guardians would like to schedule a tour prior to their camper’s session, they may do so by contacting the director or signing up for a tour.
Parent Day
Plan on staying at camp for awhile during pick up. Feeling left out from the fun you see in the pictures? This day is for you, the parents, to experience a bit of the magic of Camp Ho Mita Koda! We will have closing ceremonies and then provide you all with the opportunity to go paddling, hiking and more with your child. Families will be able to participate in 2-3 activities in the time allotted. More information will be available prior to your specific parent day.
Mail & Packages
At camp, mail is a BIG DEAL! Your camper will enjoy receiving cards, packages, letters & email, and they are encouraged to write you back and share their camp experience with you. We HIGHLY ENCOURAGE families to prepare packages and letters IN ADVANCE and deliver them to our staff for safekeeping upon check-in on the first day. Through our experience, we have found that not all mail sent to camp will arrive while your camper is in session, especially packages. Oftentimes letters/packages have arrived after a session has ended, leaving many families and campers disappointed. The process of bringing a letter/package to camp on the first day eliminates any of these frustrations. Please label the mail with your campers name, cabin, and on which day you would like it delivered to your camper. All mail is delivered to campers after lunch Monday – Friday.
Camp Ho Mita Koda allows parents to EMAIL their camper during his/her stay at camp for FREE. Please put your child’s name and cabin number in the subject line and send to
If you choose to send a letter through the mail (please no packages through the mail), you can use our mailing address:
Camp Ho Mita Koda
14040 Auburn Road
Newbury, OH 44065
At Camp Ho Mita Koda, campers are unplugged! This is intentional, as we want campers to give their eyes a rest from staring at the TV, computer and phones, give their thumbs a rest from texting and playing video games, as well as give their ears a rest from their earbuds and headphones. They do not come to camp with, computers, iPods, etc. so they can have fun playing in the great outdoors as well as talking and building lasting relationships with both campers and counselors.
Cell phones are permitted at camp. If you have a cell phone that is used as a receiver, you are permitted to bring it to camp. While we try to remain “unplugged”, we also lean into technology to ensure the safety of our campers. Passcodes on the phones will be changed at check-in for safety.
Campers will love receiving mail at camp, and they are encouraged to write home as often as possible! Writing letters has almost become a lost art, but it is an important skill that all campers will work on at camp! Parents appreciate that our counselors take the time to send you handwritten mail during the term as well.
Parents, email is also a convenient way for you to contact your camper, but please note, they will not have access to a computer to email back.
While campers do not have access to a phone, please feel free to call and talk with our staff at any time for information, concerns or suggestions about your camper’s stay. When calling to speak with our staff, a message will be taken and the call returned at a specific time. You can reach us at 440-739-4095 or
Emergencies at Camp
Personal Emergencies – If any family needs to contact the camp because of a personal emergency, we can be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 440-739-4095.
Emergency at Camp – In the unlikely event an emergency occurs that affects all of camp, we will make every effort to provide information as soon as possible.
Our initial contact will be by email. Please make sure we have your current email address. You can update your email address by logging into your account or by calling our office. Any urgent email messages will come from Be sure your spam filter is not blocking this address.
We may also contact you by phone, either by voice or text message. Please check your email and your cell phone before you call us.
National or Regional Emergency – The same as an Emergency at Camp.
Packing List
Need to know what to bring with you this summer to Camp Ho Mita Koda? Refer to our packing list below.
Campers should bring their belongings to camp in a soft-sided duffel or suitcase in order to fit underneath the cabin’s bunk beds. It is fine to pack some items in a labeled laundry bag or duffle bag. Please do NOT bring expensive outfits, jewelry or equipment to camp.
All camper belongings should be LABELED with their first and last name!
Click here for packing list: PACKING LIST
General Medical
Medical Expense and Medical Insurance
You or your medical insurance carrier is responsible for all of your child’s medical expenses. Doctor visits, x-rays, other medical treatment, and hospitalization will be billed directly to you or your medical insurance company. Medication will be charged to your account. You are responsible for any medical expenses Camp Ho Mita Koda Foundation incurs on behalf of your child.
General Health Care at Camp
Camp Ho Mita Koda employs full-time, licensed registered nurses and professional medical providers and many of our staff members are also trained in first aid and CPR. We use local physicians for doctor visits and minor non-diabetes related emergencies. Should a serious situation occur, we take campers to the Geauga Medical Center (2 miles down the road) or Hillcrest Hospital (20 minute drive).
We do not contact parents for minor concerns (cuts, bruises, headaches, etc.). Parents will be notified if their child spends more than 24 hours in the health center or is seen by a doctor.
Prescription drugs, Over The Counter Medicines and Vitamin Supplements
All prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, and vitamin supplements are kept locked in the Health Center. On opening day, they must be given to the nurses in their original containers with directions for use. Prescriptions are given to campers as prescribed at the Health Center. Campers are responsible for going to the Health Center at the appropriate time to take their prescriptions, over the counter medicines or vitamin supplements.
Health Check on Opening Day
On opening day, each camper will meet with a member of our nursing staff to review the camper’s health history form, collect any medications, and ask about recent illnesses or travels. A lice and athlete’s foot check will also be performed. Any camper determined to have a contagious condition or communicable disease will not be allowed to attend camp.
Behavior at Camp
Illegal Drugs, Marijuana, Alcohol, Tobacco, Electronic Cigarettes and Fireworks
Camper use of illegal drugs, marijuana, alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes or fireworks of any kind is strictly prohibited and grounds for immediate dismissal without a refund. This includes the use of matches or lighters in a dangerous manner.
Camper Conduct
Campers have a great deal of freedom and many opportunities to make their own decisions at CHMK. We only require that they meet the following three expectations:
- Have Fun (get the most out of their camp experience)
- Have Respect (for themselves, others, and their property)
- Be Safe (in all they do at camp)
In summary, we expect our campers to treat others and their property as they would like to be treated. We have wonderful children and staff at CHMK. By sharing these expectations with your child before arrival at camp, they will be assured of a great camp experience.
Dismissal from Camp
Any camper who poses a danger to themselves or others will be asked to leave camp. Additionally, any camper who interferes with the enjoyment of camp for others will also be asked to leave. Physical violence is grounds for immediate dismissal. In these situations, no refund will be issued.
All of our staff have been selected based upon their genuine interest in working with children. Therefore, parents are not expected to tip our staff for performance. If you would still like to pay a gratuity, we have established a staff gratuity pool. Please do not tip individual staff members. Your child’s successful experience at camp is the result of all staff working as a team. You may leave a tip on closing day in the office. If you are unable to attend on the closing day, you can contact the office and we can charge your credit card on file to make a staff gratuity contribution on your behalf. The gratuity pool is then distributed to all staff at the end of the summer.