Campership Fund
If you would like to apply for financial assistance, please click the button below to read the full eligibility policy and apply.
At the Camp Ho Mita Koda Foundation, we believe every child deserves the chance to experience the magic of camp, no matter their family situation. We understand that financial challenges can come in many forms—from unexpected medical expenses to job loss and other hardships.
We strive to make camp accessible to all families in the Type 1 Diabetes community, and offer subsidized program fees along with insulin and medical supplies to 100% of campers.

However, many families are unable to afford this subsidized rate. True to our mission, we never deny a child a camp experience due to financial hardship. With the help of generous donors, we provide financial assistance (camperships) to 85+ campers each year. In 2024, this equated to over $50,000 awarded to families in need.
The Campership Fund effectively removes financial barriers to attending camp, which has proven to be an integral part of a child’s diabetes management plan.
“You sent our son home with new friends, honed social skills, heightened self-confidence, a vastly improved understanding of self-T1D care and – something I’d momentarily thought could be lost to him, post-diagnosis – a love for summer camp and himself.”
Community supporters truly make this impact possible. To make a gift to support our Campership Fund:
Online Donations
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Check Donations
Mail to:
Camp Ho Mita Koda Foundation
Attn: Campership Fund
14040 Auburn Rd.
Newbury Twp OH 44065
Please note: Once every Campership Application for the year has been reviewed and awards are distributed, any excess Campership funds will support general camp operations. If you have any questions about this policy, please email or call 440-739-4095.