Camp Ho Mita Koda is proud to offer a series of Pro-Deal perks for CHMK staff! If you have any questions or concerns regarding employment with Camp Ho Mita Koda Foundation, please review the information below. You can contact our office directly at 440-739-4095 or

CampSite Employment Forms

Once you accept an offer of employment, you will receive an email with a login and password to our online system, CampSite, which has all of the employment forms you must complete before your offer is finalized.

Employment Form Login Page: CampSite 

Employment Form FAQs

May I email any form to CHMK instead of uploading it? No. You must upload forms into CampSite.

I have received a certification that is listed on the compensation table as one that increases my pay. How do I receive the increase? Congratulations! We love when staff work to gain additional credentials in the summer camp industry! Your pay increase will go into effect at the beginning of the pay period following the date that the new document is uploaded to your CampSite account. If you have any trouble with uploading it, please email for assistance.

How do I update my direct deposit information? Send an email to with the following information:

  • New routing number
  • New account number
  • Type of account (checking or savings)
  • Image of voided check or letter from your bank with the new information
Payroll Information

Questions on your pay stub or did you not receive your check, as anticipated? Please contact your Camp Director and they can help get it sorted out ASAP!

WorkForce is our payroll and timekeeping system. See below for details on how to navigate the system.

  • Once entered into our payroll system, you will receive an email to access your personal WorkForce account.  DO NOT LOSE this email. 
  • Within WorkForce you will have access to all of your pay stubs and W2 tax information.
Report a Complaint/Misconduct

Employee Reporting Process
We encourage all staff to utilize the “Circle System” to address and find resolution to any issues that may arise. In the instance that there is an incident that is unable to be resolved or warrants immediate assistance, we ask that you inform your immediate supervisor. If a complaint is about a Field Staff member, reporting should be directed to the Operations Manager. If a complaint is about a Medical Staff member, reporting should be directed to the Healthcare Manager. If the complaint is about a leadership team member, reporting should be directed to the Board Chair.  If an issue is unable to be solved with a manager, please complete the online form. 

Please use the online form to report any issue relative to any violation of the Camp Ho Mita Koda Code of Conduct which may also include sexual harassment, workplace harassment/abuse, staff and camper safety, or any other concerns that you have experienced or witnessed. We will respond within 2 business days from receipt.

This report will be anonymous unless you add your contact information. We do not have a way to track your submission unless you choose to share your information with us.

Your submission is shared with a limited group of Camp Ho Mita Koda leadership for review and determination of appropriate action:

  • Alex Richardson, Camp Director
  • G Pat Willis, Board Chair

File a Complaint 
Please feel free to fill out this ANONYMOUS survey to report or give feedback you observe in the field from staff of not so great practices that need to be addressed. 

Pro Deals

Pro Deal Guide.  Staff are eligible for Pro Deals after 30 days of employment.

Camp Discounts

Please call our Customer Experience Team, 440-739-4095, to enroll in camp with a discount for members of your immediate family. Depending on the program and restrictions, an immediate family member may receive up to 50% off of an eligible program or session of camp.